Before I get into a bit of personal news, let me give a quick update on our nasty serial killer, Mark Dizon. Yes, justice is slow in the Philippines. His murder trial is not over yet; in fact, the prosecution just finished up a bit over a week ago. Now, it is time for the defense. What a bloody joke, the asshole’s defense is that he was not at the Mitchell house on the night of the murders. This could hold up with the other two murders he committed as there were no witnesses. Hopefully this is not the case with the Mitchell murders. The Prosecution is pushing for a life sentence without parole. Now I do have a bit of feeling for Mark. Yes, I feel like I would like to skip all this bull shit and just be allowed to cut one of his main arteries and let him slowly bleed to death while I shot him in various parts of his body until death do him part. Wouldn’t that be a terrific video to put on google or you tube. Shit, I just realized that the left wing face book, google, you tube and twitter censors will delete it. Oh well, just join me in my sadistic imagination.
PERSONAL NOTE: Last Sunday evening I was sitting in the stable trying to watch a pirated Executioner 2 movie knowing it would not be a good copy. I was angry as I went to SM on that Wednesday and at the ticket booth I learned that Tuesday was the last showing. I was pissed! OK, a better, more polite word would be extremely disappointed. When halfway through this less than clear copy I suddenly became extremely dizzy and weak. I tried to use my cell phone to call my wife but could not think right or get my fingers working properly. Finally, I got it to ring, but unattended. Desperately I tried to call my brother in law and this was not easy to do but somehow got it to ring. I did not hear any answer and later I found out that is when I passed out. The next thing I knew two people were carrying me down the stairs to my car and straight to the Medical City Clark emergency room. By this time I was conscious and wanted to turn around and go home. Bottom line is I had a seizure and am still having some tests made. I did not stay overnight in the hospital even though, as usual, they try to use the “observation” money maker on you. My wife had told me at the hospital that I had urinated in my pants. That was embarrassing but when we go home and I got out of the car my wife noticed that the back of my pants had a pronounced dark brown coloring. The next day she had the car seat fumigated. Now, why the hell am I relating all this to you? I am a certified senior citizen that has made it to 80 years of age and have had a minor stroke a year or so ago, a very slight seizure while sitting on the toilet 2 months ago in which I had to call for help and missed a meeting at the businessmen’s luncheon. Now, this last one has scared me a bit as i have been a week getting over it. I can’t help but wonder what is next but at the same time I am so happy to still be around and not bed ridden or lying in a casket full of embalming fluid.
Now, you know why I do not get around as much as I used to. I am thankful that I am not living on my own without the help of a loving family. I hate the fact that I am very familiar with the local emergency room and hope that I can continue to avoid the ICU department. For those readers who have reached their senior years and find that our bodies sort of mess with us with no notice I certainly share the uncertainty of each passing day. A seizure is a strange malady and one that makes you feel wonderful to recover from. I no longer worry about typhoons, bills, deadlines, and do not want any anger in my life, even when talking to Democrats. Rain or shine every day is a good day. I have always wrote that you should be nice to old horses and by golly many of you have been over the years. So, I will keep writing but a little less and I am appreciative of all the new subscribers. Old friends are joining me and Teflon John, this is not a “mass text”.
MAXINE WATERS – Can someone tape her mouth closed! OK, I know, now someone will suggest the same for Trump. OK, see how agreeable I am now, better than dealing with ANTIFA.
TRANSGENDERS – I am definitely too old to figure this one out! Just read that 8 year old school boys who identify as girls can now get the privates bounded as part of their transformation. I guess little 8 year old girls that identify as boys get mini-dildo’s attached. They can all still shit but pissing has to be a bit of a mess.
That’s it, I’m going to bed and looking forward to another day – Hey Tommo, rest in peace, Joe Carseley too.
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