Month: April 2020

More Words and Thoughts

The Truth (and Lies) about Coronavirus

AN ARTICLE WORTH READING:  This is one article that I am saving for future reference.  It mirrors my thoughts and many others.  It is definitely something that should be shared with many.

Korean arrested for pimping girl

This is the first time I have tried to insert a link and was receiving instruction from my guru Chuck by Viber.  It took many tries as I am not computer literate.  The reason I wanted this inserted is because I was wondering how the Koreans were doing without their daily dose of young women.  When I used to sit out the front of Envy at night I lost count of the Vans dropping off and picking up the Koreans that headed straight into the walking street.  If I waited long enough I could give an evaluation to the girls they returned with, I have a scale of 1 to 10.  Then comes the lock down and an enterprising Korean is able to find a way to supply his Korean customers with various varieties of Filipina delights.  But being a bit brainless, once caught in the act he decides to make a break for it, thinking he could out run the Police.  So instead of being charged with trafficking he ends up in a whole lot of deep shit.  I wonder if he will actually face jail time or will this be another case of, sorry, no further news on this case?  In a way I think he had a good idea as a lot of ladies going hungry because of no business and no help from the Government could have enjoyed some higher than usual income.  

STATUS OF WIFE:  No surprise there, her flight back is still up in the air and my pleasure of having the whole bed to myself is wearing off quickly.  I even miss the little bit of snoring she does.  The thing is that she is my partner, friend and wife and short separations are OK but not one this long.  She was a young woman of 25 when we met and we had many adventures together over the years and managed to stay together.  Ultimately, I will not let this virus end this relationship.  We will unite again and I will contently return to my side of the bed, smile, fall asleep and wake in the morning to see that I am still with the woman I love.  

PHILIPPINES:   When you live in the Philippines as a foreigner you can’t help but follow politics here and in the US.  I was remembering that President Duterte on 12 Mar had a press conference where he laid out key points to fight the Virus.  One point caught my attention, “if things deteriorate we may have to ask for China’s help”.   Not being a great fan of China I was hoping that this would not be necessary especially since the virus originated in China and also since the Chines show no acknowledgement of The Philippines sovereignty in the South China Sea.

Then on 18 Apr President Duterte had an 18 minute phone call with President Trump.  The US offered additional assistance to the Philippines  to fight the COVID-19 Virus.  They discussed collaboration this issue.  The US has so far provided more than P203 million in aid to the Philippines in response to COVID-19.

Naturally I was pleased to hear this because I always hope that the close relationship The US has had with the Philippines for so many years continues far into the future.  But I must admit that sometimes some of our Senators stick their noses into business which is sensitive to President Duterte.  Not too long ago three US Senators were going to fly to the PI to investigate the jailing of a certain female judge.  They were concerned about human rights.  I always hear this from the US and other countries that voice these opinions and yes, at times the questions are legitimate.  But when it comes to the Philippines I wonder why the US supported the Marcos regime, without question for so many years since they were and are so concerned with human rights?

I always enjoy hearing from readers of this column and i can’t mention them all but I wish to thank the following for dropping me a line:  Willy Smith, Wally from New Zealand, Capt. Rainer from Germany, Drew Fleming, AC, and Stanley Krawies, Florida.  So often I hear from people that spent a bit of time here and caught the AC virus which does not kill but is incurable.  Again, thanks for the greetings.  

The following was sent to me by an anonymous source.  

This is something I totally agree with:

MANILA, Philippines — Several lawmakers have asked the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) to reconsider its move to bar senior citizens living in areas placed on either enhanced or general community quarantine from leaving their homes.

Senior Citizens Partylist Rep. Francisco Datol Jr., who chairs the House committee on senior citizen’s affairs, said that senior citizens should be allowed to go outside “to move around” as long as they are practicing social distancing.
It would be good for our City Mayor to consider this.   The one thing I strongly disagree with is denying access to the S&R store in Dau to Angeles City residents.  It is not right since it is so close and they have items for sale that are not available in markets in AC.  Surely the same quarantine procedures imposed through out the country can still be applied for those seeking to shop in a better equipped store. 

THIS IS FROM TEFLON JOHN:    Well I finally figured out how to pay my power bill since all the payment places around town are closed down or are off line for the next ten years. 

I paid for two months today using my G CASH app that I downloaded load from my play store on my smart phone. (the same place I down loaded Viber ). This app is great I can now pay all my bills including cable, internet and water ON LINE using G Cash.  No more long lines for me. Wooo !!!


If you don’t yet have it, it’s worth getting and while you’re there if you don’t yet have Viber  you may as well download that as well.   Because they are both free to use and makes life a hell of a lot easier. 
Note: I have viber and strongly recommend it because it is free!  Better than pay for loads all the time.  (JD)
Michael Dammann wrote to me from the US stating that he felt that a lock down is no longer necessary since two effective drugs are available for treatment.  My reply was:  I always said if I got sick I wanted my doctor to give me Hydrochloriquine and Remdisiver.  But no, medical people tried to down play its effectiveness.  Why, because it is easily available and cheap.  Instead, lets wait for a company to invent a solution so a patent can be issued and that company can make a lot of money.  That is why so many companies are racing to find the first covid-19 anti-viral shot.  This whole damn virus thing is so very political and people like Jeff Bezos will become richer then he already is.  Why r shopping malls slowly disappearing?
THIS IS A RECORD FOR ME.   I got around to writing something just within a couple of days.  Hey, Tony, I enjoyed your second note to me more than the first.  I do remember your birthday party at the Wild Orchid Flamingo bar so many years ago.  Thanks for reminding me.  So many people I have met over the years that write and remind me of times past.  I was a bit younger then.  Hopefully you can make your return trip when this Mickey Mouse lock down is over and those planes are up and flying again.
Meanwhile, it is nearly time for me to take my shower and go to bed unless I start watching Netflix again.  Signing off now and still hoping you will be kind to old horses.





Posted by JimmyDHorse in Angeles City, Crime, World, 2 comments


Boy ain’t this virus something.  I’m sitting here looking out my window, seeing the blue sky and scattered white clouds , some trees and thinking.  I’m thinking that my ass hurts a bit cause I been sittin here so long listening to music and thinkin.  (Now Chuck, don’t change the spelling here cause I’m doin it on purpose).  You see I’m too old to run out on the street and yell “I”m tired of this shit” so I just mess up a bit of my spellin in protest.  Hell, that don’t hurt anybody and it keeps those barangay guys from beatin my ass.  COVID-19, what a pain this word has brought to the world.  Now, when this shit is over there will be books written, songs wrote, poems written and politicians talking their bull shit, that’s for sure.  Me, I’ll still be sitting on my constipated, old sore ass.  I’ll be thinking about Face Book, and that is not much to think about.  I’ll be wondering why so many people all of a sudden want to tell everybody what meals they are making for themselves.  So many of them look terrible and a few look interesting.  But I’m thinking who cares what they are eating.  Me, I’m just lookin to see something that tells me how to get rid of my constipation.  You know, during this lock in my favorite moments are when I can take one hell of a good dump.

I’m thinkin about missing my wife even though I kind of like having the whole bed to myself; and not getting up early even on the days the bed is supposed to be made.  You see, my wife is stuck in Hawaii because they close this Clark Airport down and Asiana Airlines has cancelled her return ticket twice.  Now she had to buy a ticket on PAL for 2 May, if it doesn’t get cancelled.  We call each other on messenger which is one hell of a good invention.  Man, you can actually see each other which ain’t too bad because even though she got to be a bit senior, she still looks pretty good.  Too bad I can’t say the same for myself.  She isn’t in Hawaii for pleasure she is there because she reached the age of 65.  Now please not that most of the expat men living here in Angeles City never run into this problem because they marry women young enough so that when she reaches 65 he is already long dead.  My wife was young when we met but we happen to like each other enough that we’re still together and I did not die yet.  You see, she is not a US Citizen and doesn’t even have a green card.  Hell, way back in 2011 we thought of getting her a immigration visa  but neither one of us wanted to live in the US long enough for her to become a citizen.  Now we see that was a big error in thought.  Before she turned 65 I got a notice that in order for her to keep her Tri-Care medical benefits she had to have Medicare part A and B.  (Sorry folks, this is all US stuff I am writing about).  In order for her to keep this benefit as a non-citizen she had to fill out a form and send in to Social Security for approval.  Thanks to the VA Manila outreach program they helped on this.  Her application was approved and now she has to 30 full calendar days in the US twice a year.  So she left for Hawaii on 27 Mar and return on 5 Apr.  She stayed at a hotel on Schofield Barracks, an Army Post so she could visit our son there.  Thanks to the virus she is still there. OK, I got that out of the way, sorry for long explanation but I wanted to warn those American guys coming over here to find a gal to marry to be careful on that age bit.  So, the Mrs will be back in May, hopefully and I already know that one of the first things she will be doing is (not sex) but changing the curtains.  I can’t figure out why women want to do that every six months, I figure every two years or so is good enough.

Thinkin’, still doin’ that.  This time I was thinkin’ about Las Vegas when I was first stationed there in 1962 and what a great small town it was.  I loved it there and after-a-while made it my State of residence.  It was a great place, real friendly but over the years it got bigger and bigger.  Bugsy had a great idea when he built the Flamingo and the Mafia came in and made the town.  The town changed when Howard Hughes arrived and that was the beginning of a change that changed the character of the town.  It grew but but the friendliness disappeared and it just seemed different. Now, the Virus has arrived and turned off the lights.

I arrived in Angeles City in 1977.  It was still a small City with many dirt roads, not that many places to eat, and many small bars to go to.  If you went over the Friendship bridge it was dark and spooky at night and martial law was in effect.  But the town had character that over the years has disappeared.  It is much more commercialized now but still the bars blaze with life at night.  But along came the Virus and now all is still.  I loved Vegas and I love Angeles City but even Martial Law was not as bad as this covid-19 but the many barriers that have been erected, manned by Barangay officials give’s one the feeling of a war zone without the shooting.  It feels like we are one step away from Martial Law maybe it is a rehearsal.  No liquor sales as the Government does not trust its citizens to drink at home peacefully.  I have heard of Expats going through beer withdrawal pains.  Pot bellies are diminishing. It is so quiet, imagine, no loud motorbikes with loud mufflers, no loud Karaoke music day and night, peaceful sleeping except for a neighbor that has a dog that can’t stop barking.  I just saw a news flash that the Government is running out of cash.

I was thinkin’ about the many poor here who are day laborers and now have no money and having a hard time finding food.  I think of many of the live-in bar girls who were not able to go home and have no money or very little food.  I miss seeing my friends at ThiHi  but I was able to deliver a sack of rice to them to help with their food.  I know that the owner is still trying to care for those still on board.  Naturally they are bored to death.  There is no unemployment payments in this country but food packages are delivered and some charity organizations try to help out.  It is hard to help when citizens are not allowed to leave the house.  Hopefully things will loosen up before the beginning of the rainy season.  I suppose that there will be a big jump in the baby population in the next 8 or 9 months.  I was thinkin’ how do you have sex with no touching or kissing?

I found myself thinkin’ a lot about friends, old and current that I don’t get to see now.  I don’t even bother to get dressed every day as I don’t feel like making the effort to go down and up the stairs.  I am grateful I still have a small staff that make my meals and bring it upstairs to me so I am not going out.  I try to keep in touch with people through Email, FB and messenger and sure is different from the days when I only had the old land line telephone.  The TV and computer are blessings and access to Netflix sure does fill up a few hours of the day and night. I am at that DNR age so I sure am happy when I am still able to open my eyes every morning and find I am still alive and not in a hospital.  I hurt for all those I read about being sick and dying because of this Chinese Wuhan Virus.  Yep, I am not worried about offending the Chinese Government.  I could go on a lot about that deceitful country but I will let you folks do your own research.  I will just say this, they are not to be trusted.

On a more light note I was thinkin’ about Thi-Hi and one of the ladies I spoke to before all this lock down stuff started.  Her name is Ruby Janet Barrios and she is 48 years old.,  Sadly, at that age she is still working in a bar and I hated to see that.  Now, I know I usually feature a younger lady but I figured, what the hell, maybe some senior citizens out there might want to correspond with her.  She ain’t no beauty and no dog either, she is in-between with a personality to boot.  I just hate to see this gal reach 50 and still be in the bar.  Naturally her kids are grown and on their own so no problem there.  She lived with a foreigner for years until he died and now she is still trying to make a future for herself.  I think she would make a good companion for someone.  I have a picture of her and I am hoping my Friend Chuck can insert it for me.  She is from Davao City, E-mail:  FB: Barrios shy.  Drop her a line, she is fun.

After writing about Ruby I don’t know why I thought of Doris Day dying at 97 years of age.  Why did I think of Ocasio Cortez AOC telling us that there is a helium shortage and soon helium filled balloons will be banned.

I got to thinkin’ about “Air Rage”.  I read that air rage is up 30% and yet some Air lines are planning to reduce space in coach (cattle car) as they try to add more seats.  Then I read that the US Government is planning to bail out some Airline Companies because the virus has caused them to lose money.  Why, when you fly domestic they could care less about your comfort and nearly charge you for the air you breathe.

I wonder how many knew that a Chinese company with close ties to the Communist Party signed a secretive deal a few months ago that gives  it exclusive development rights for the entire Island of Tulagi that has a population of only 1,ooo people.  They were shocked @ the news as there were no consultations.  The Island is in the South Pacific and served as a South Pacific Hq for Britain and then Japan before being won back by the Allied Forces in WW2.  That is not the only Island in The South Pacific they have gained rights to.

Now here is some good news.  I read that 30% of women in the Philippines watch porn, the highest percentage in the world.

Oh gosh I hate to write this one, but what the hell.  A scientific fact – a dog extracts more information from sniffing a pile of shit than a human does watching CNN.

The Mayor of Angeles City began, at last, confiscating modified mufflers on motor bikes.  This was something that should have been done a long time ago and thanks to Mayor Pogi Lazatin it has started.

For those who like to know details LGBTQIA  stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/Questioning,, intersex, asexual and the last PI pride march had 79,ooo participants.  Nothing like staying informed in this strange world we live in.

A Muslim overheard talking to a friend: “We kill them on 9/11 and they elect 3 of us to Congress, stupid infidels.”

I would so much like to write about the bars and restaurants but they all stand dark and empty.  Some places still have take-out meals like Envy and Paisano’s. I was surprised to hear today that Pure Gold is open but not sure of the hours.  I think it will take a long time before everything opens up again.  Maybe there will be a gradual opening and I hope that will be the restaurants.  It was emphatically stated by the City that the bars will not be opened right away.  I expect some bars to never open and many to be sold.  I will try to keep up with that as it happens.  I know it has been a long time since I lost wrote and I regret that.  I love communicating with the readers I still have but I find it a bit harder to type without a lot of errors.  I loved the years I had as Harry the Horse and that will never leave me.  As long as my body allows me to get up to my chair and computer I will continue to write to you via this medium.  If I happen to not wake up some day then my friend Chuck will let you know as he has access to this site.  Until that time continue to be kind to horses.

Posted by JimmyDHorse in Angeles City, Bars, Business, I Would if I Could, 0 comments