ENVY – Dog darn it, I wanted to put a picture here of one of Envy’s waitresses and screwed it up.  I was able to get the picture inserted but could not figure out how to write around it.  I really need to get some help on this.  Oh well, for now just settle for words only.  Envy Bistro Sports Suites is the newest venture from the previous owners of Phillie’s Sports Grill now being run by “Joe”.  The owners took the 7 years of experience from Phillie’s and built a Sports Grill that is a big improvement over their last venture.  Within a short 3 months after opening Envy has already acquired a reputation of providing complete sports coverage on the many cameras placed throughout the establishment while also providing delicious menu items quickly at a reasonable price.  Imagine being able to enjoy a great early morning breakfast menu from 0600 to 1000 hrs for only P99.  It is located just in front of the entrance to the Fields Ave walking street.  You can enjoy seating inside or even in front to enjoy the natural air.  As the weather warms up and becomes a bit uncomfortable you can always enjoy the comfort of air-conditioning that was not possible when the owners were operating Phillie’s.  It was one improvement that they were determined to provide at Envy.  Oh, one other bit of news is that Envy will also be offering 7 rooms on the 4th and 5th floor at the back end of the Envy building opposite the Orchid Inn.
When I finally beat this picture problem sometime this year I will be providing pictures.  Man, I am just not all that computer literate.

RAJAH HOTEL  – This is info is for the old timers that would remember the two short time hotels located just off the street leading to Johnny’s store after turning left after the Wild Orchid  hotel.  They were well used convenient locations providing short visits for a very reasonable price.  One of the two, the Rajah is being torn down, a bit of AC history being eradicated, wiped off the map but not our memories.  So many memories and fewer and fewer people left to share those memories with.  I do not know, at this time what will rise at this location, all I do know is that every time I pass by, whatever stands in its place will always make me think of a long gone landmark.  One still stands, but for how long?

ANGELES CITY SWAGMAN HOTEL – Provides us with a strange tale.  It is closed now and has been for quite some time now.  From what I heard the owner abandoned it, just walked away from it but I hesitate to say that this story is factual.  All I know for sure is that it is closed and I was totally surprised when I learned about it.  I have been told is that the owner of the Patio is running the bar or at least trying to.  I will try to get my brother in law to drive me by there and take a look.  Recently a contractor who provides up to 3,000 meals a day to a call center on Clark has leased the kitchen so he can provide the meals that, previously, were prepared by contract to another restaurant.  The Swagman kitchen was the perfect solution to a big problem for him.  Naturally he had to spend a great deal of money on equipment to be operational but it was worth it.  Can you imagine that number of meals that have to be prepared, packaged up, loaded onto a van and delivered to the call center exactly on time at 0400, 1100, 1500, etc., 7 days a week.  At least, for now, there is still a bit of life at the Swagman.  I can’t help but think of past manager Remy, who worked there for years and was well liked.  Sadly, she passed away from cancer while working there.  She loved her job and the many loyal customers of the hotel loved her.  Remy, you remain a pleasant memory to all who knew you.

Time for bed folks, sure does feel good to chat with you.  I plan to do it more often.  I sure do appreciate those who have taken the time to subscribe and patiently wait for me to get off my ass and write.  By the way, I am going through another root canal torture at Smile Makeover under the gentle hands of Doctor Irene.  Let me take this time to wish Doctor Rhoda a quick recovery from a recent medical procedure she underwent.  This is another great dentist at Smile.  Regardless, I HATE root canal treatments regardless of how sweet and gentle the dentist but a bit of tenderness does help.  At SMILE they are always kind to this old horse and Dr. Tey, along with her mother blessed me with their presence at my 80th birthday party in Feb.  Remember, one and all, be kind to horses.  Good night.  

Posted by JimmyDHorse

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